Thursday, July 24, 2008

I hate women who can't let go of the fairytale...I'm just saying

Normally, I'm not this vocal about women and why I hate the majority of them, but today, I feel compelled to put my thoughts in this blog.


First, I realize that I've only been married for well, almost four months, but here's the thing that I already know about marriage and life in general. IT'S HARD! You don't wake up every morning to breakfast in bed and you don't get massages every night before you fall asleep. Unless you're supremely lucky, your husband probably doesn't even think about doing those things for you on a regular basis. That's not what gets me. What gets me is the women who think they are entitled to things like that on a regular basis and think that life is supposed to be modeled after some princess they read about in some book when they were 4. The truth of the matter is, that just doesn't happen. People who live their lives without problems have problems, their problem is, they're bottling everything up so that on the surface, to you and me, they look AMAZING. But deep down, it's those kind of people that you have to worry about. They're the ones who are hurting inside but instead of maybe starting a fight with their husband, they just pretend like nothing is wrong.

Again, that's not what pisses me off. What pisses me off is the women who think this fairy tale still exists. The ones who think that marriage isn't hard and that a man should fulfill their every need. The bottom line is, marriage is hard and a man can't possibly fulfill your every need. Further more, you shouldn't NEED a man to fulfill you. You should have enough substance in your self to sustain you and the man should be a compliment to your life. What pisses me off most about these kinds of women is that often times, a good man is hurt by their actions. A good man is hurt by the fact that because their marriage is hard, and their life isn't a fairy tale, she's going to leave. She's going to leave under the assumption that she's going to find that fairy tale somewhere else.

Wheeew. I just needed to get that off my chest. I hate the fact that women like that scar men for life and make them shy of getting into another relationship down the road. Women like that ruin the dating life for men and ruin other women's chances of having what they so willingly gave up.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why Alligators make the best friends

this is more than likely long over due, but after a slight mishap today, it made me realize that it needs to be said.

I credit my best friend for being my rock, my saving grace...but in reality, it's not always her that saves me or lets me bump up against her. In reality, it's my alligator friend. We'll call her Mrs. St. Pierre. See the thing is, we work together so 99% of the time, she gets the brunt of my venting. She gets the "I hate my job today" the "I can't fucking stand this person" and so much more. If I weren't able to vent I'd probably end up in the insane asylum but because she lets me do this, I make it through each and every day unharmed and uncommitted.

The thing is, the thing that makes me want to kick myself in the rear is that I sometimes take advantage of our relationship without knowing that I'm taking advantage. She happens to be the Manager of the Help Desk where I work and I sometimes use our relationship and my relationship with her employees to get things done a little faster, or to get things that not everyone else has. I wouldn't say that I'm trying to be sneaky and take things because I feel like I'm entitled to them because of our friendship, I just don't always follow the proper procedures that I could that everyone else is asked to follow.

My point in this blog is to tell my friend, Mrs. St.Pierre that she means more to me than the job she has and the goodies that she sometimes passes my way. It's not often that you find someone who will let you vent about everything you're holding inside without calling you out on how judgmental you're being....and then laugh at you because she remembers that one of your New Year's Resolutions was to be less judgmental.

So Alligator St. Pierre if you make it this far in my blog, know that you're more than my co-worker, you're one of my best friends and if I didn't have you to lean out, bitch to, and laugh with, my life would be much darker and sadder.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Have you talked to your cat about catnip?

Good grief. Sometimes you just want to take a deep breath and follow it up with a shot of whiskey or tequila. That is my day today. When I'm tired, or super busy really, I just want people to disappear. There is no need to be loud and bubbly and annoying, just disappear. I don't get it....

Anywho.....went to San Francisco over the 4th it was....well it was. It was fun and exciting, but it made me realize that there are things in my life that I think will never change no matter what I do. There are things that need to change but that are out of my control to change. And yet, I carry this burden that those things are things I'm supposed to be changing and am failing my self for not changing them. I am only one person, and I can only do so much, but at what point do others realize that they too need to step up and do something and that it's not only my responsibility to change. The worst part is, somewhere along the road, a request for help from all corners was made and 3 of the 4 corners have failed to do anything. Quite disturbing when you think about it because you would hope that at least one of them would find it respectful to at least attempt to be a little bit better.

Ugh..another story for another time perhaps.