Okay, so maybe blogs don't really need air, but I figure it'll get someone's attention!!!
So, not a whole lot is going on in my world, other than stress galore and desperately needing more sleep than I'm getting.
Let's see: Monday - Friday I get this huge knot in my stomach as I walk up to my office wondering if today is the day that people's badges are going to quit working. Now, while my company has never officially been a fan of laying off people, the current economic times certainly don't make for an easy feeling in the stomach. Especially since our industry is basically being drug through the mud and then run over by an 18 wheeler, and probably then peed on by a stray dog. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point, some one loses their job. Hopefully it's not me, and hopefully it's not any of my friends. But, you have to cut costs at some point right?
Started my MBA, and that is kicking my rear. Apparently, spending two, almost three years away from school really takes it's toll on you. I am having a difficult time managing my time. I guess when it was my Bachelor's the whole not having a full time job thing really helped. But now, it's sooo hard to work all day and then still find time to go home and start writing a paper. But in the end, with the good Lord's help, I will finish and I will be extremely proud of myself. See, the thing is, my Bachelor's was just kind of the natural progression from high school. It was always understood that I would go to college and get a degree. And gosh darnit, I would do it in as close to 4 years as possible! So when I finsihed, it just felt kind of...predictable. This however, is completely different. This is all me. Mommy and Daddy aren't paying for it, and I have a full time job on top of it. I think in the end it might be one of the proudest moments of my life. So please say a prayer, or whatever for me, that I go through with this all the way.
I've decided that my nickname for Gator will officially be Belle. Long story that I'm not going to go into but that's who I'll be talking about when I say Belle.
So...Belle is so freaking talented I almost hate her! She loves to write. And she's a damn good writer at that! She finally let go of her death grip on one of her books and allowed me to read it. And OMFG!!! It's amazing. It's a great love story and I can't wait to see what happens! I seriosuly hope she gets over her phobia of talking about how great she is and submits it for publishing. You watch out world. Before you know it, Belle Robertson will be all over the bookshevles!
Also, she has got to be one of the funniest people I've ever met! Every day there is laughter, and that's what I love most about our friendship!
Bailey-boo turned 5. That was a weird moment. Well, first, I missed her birthday so that was kind of crappy on my part. But then, when I was ever so gently reminded of her birthday, I was very sad. 5 is really old! I remember her 1st birthday!! It's heartbreaking to think that every year passes for her the same as it does for me. Pretty sad.
I guess that's about it. I'm sure I can post more if I think of something that I left off.
Happy Viagra Day! May all your dreams come true!