Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Will the real Tony Romo please stand up?!

Okay, so most everyone knows this, but some people are probably about to go huh? But, I love Jessica Simpson. I don't know why. I'm just fascinated by her. I don't think she's really an idiot, and I think she's absolutely gorgeous, so when pictures of her in a totally unflattering outfit hit the web, I didn't really think anything of it, other than "leave her alone." but now, everyone is talking about it. It bugs me because if you look at pictures of her from a month ago, she looks perfect. She looks slim, and gorgeous. So, it's obvious that she didn't gain 40 pounds in the past month and balloon up like everyone said. So why do we care so much about it?

What is bugging me the most though, is that apparently Tony Romo is really upset about everyone calling his girlfriend a fatty, but he has yet to release a statement or say anything to anyone about her figure not mattering to him. Even Nick Lachey has come forward and said something about it, so don't you think it'd be appropriate for her CURRENT boyfriend, soon to be fiance to stand up and say something in her defense?!

I'm just saying...if it were me, my hubby had better be standing up for me.

My biggest beef with celebriworld right now is that none of this should matter. Just like little ol' Ashlee Simpson-Wentz said, we should be celebrating the changing of the times and all the wonederful things that are coming our way rather than focusing on what size a singer is.

So to everyone who thinks it's fun to sit and gossip about her "new, fuller figure," grow up, and start focusing on things that are really going to matter in 10 years.

Thank you.

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