Thursday, April 17, 2008

White Dresses, Lizard Skin, Big Houses, and Sinus Infections...

White Dresses----who wears white at a wedding?! Oh yeah, the bride! and occasionally the groom, if you do that whole on the beach, in white linen thing. But seriously?! Who would wear a white dress to a wedding, if they were not the bride? Apparently someone at my wedding! The nerve you have to have to wear white! SERIOUSLY!! It's not about you! it's about me! SO the white dress thing really just topped off the day/night. There were several instances where I just wanted to say "it's my wedding, we're not here for you" But, I digress.
Lizard Skin--honeymooning tip #789 - If you're in the pool for an entire day, don't let the free drinks get to you and cause you not to re-apply sunscreen. Re-application is KEY. Otherwise, you will peel like lizard. Good times Confucius say.
Big Houses---finally CLOSED on the house! It's officially the property of TMT and DAT. Ha..that way you can't tell whether or not I've officially changed my name, which I have not. Again, I digress.
Sinus Infections---so what tops off a wedding, a honeymoon, and buying a house?! The start of a beautiful sinus infection! God I love 'em! I can't breathe, my chest hurts...literally hurts, and I just want to lay in bed. But considering I was just off for 7 days, it apparently is not an option at this point. Love my immune system! Love it! love it! love it!

So, if ever you're bored, need something to do, call us up! we'll be painting, or weed eating, or packing, or maybe even lounging in our new master bedroom. Who knows?!

1 comment:

chellie said... glad am i that i hung the white dress back in the closet and chose the blue one? whew...