Friday, December 18, 2009

No Apologies

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post that was very personal and very difficult to write. Unfortunately, the post was taken in a way that it was never intended to be taken and in a bout of anger, I deleted the post. I regret that now.

I wanted to write a blog because I often have random thoughts and random rants that I want to write down and share with my friends and family and whomever else chooses to read this blog.

I am not going to apologize for anything that I write here. It is MY blog and it is for ME to express MY opinions. If you are offended by anything I write or feel like I am being fake on my blog, then YOU do not have to read it anymore. However, it is still my place for expressing whatever I feel like and I'm not going to apologize for doing so.

So here's to honesty. Here's to writing what I want to write, when I want to write it, and not deleting anything else because of anger, or hurt feelings.

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. "
-George Washington


Tasty Eats At Home said...

Agreed - you shouldn't have to edit your blog to please others. :) If you honestly want to share with those that read, then do so. Those who love you will love you no matter what.

Preston said...

What Tasty said. Screw what other people think. If people edited themselves so others wouldn't be mad this world wouldn't be what it is today. Good and bad.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Thank God for freedom of expression. However,if you open your ideas up to the world on a stage such as the internet, you have to expect others using their right to express as well. If you are speaking honeslty and from the heart, you will never have to erase anything, because it is true and you can stand strong knowing that.