Friday, January 7, 2011

Hey, it's a new year!

I haven't had much to talk about lately, but here goes a shot at filling you in on some things.

  1. My hubs is AMAZING. He's been really supportive these past few weeks and just has had a completely different attitude. It's fun! And because he knows that me and the bff are trying to lose weight, he's been super supportive there too and has been eating the same healthy food as me and trying to order healthy things off restaurant menus so that he doesn't tempt me with whatever he orders. It's really sweet. :)
  2. The bff is incredible. We're both working to slim down and be healthier together and without her doing this with me I'm not so sure that I would be doing so well. It's a blessing!
  3. I just want to take a minute to tell the world how amazing my friend Janet is. There aren't even the right words to describe her, but she is so selfless and caring that I'm constantly in awe of what is going on in her life. Everyone should have someone like her in their life because it makes you realize how much more you could/should be doing for your global community. Her generosity astounds me and I'm so thankful that she's in my life and that I can call her a friend. 
  4. Colleen is starting to look preggers and little Poppy Bear will be here before we know it! I'm planning a baby shower with her sister for sometime in April and I'm so excited I just might pee on myself just for typing it out. :)
Sometimes, it helps to just type/say the things that are good in life to help you see that it's not always brussel sprouts and rain clouds. There actually is quite a lot of sunshine and daisy in the world too.

So --- I encourage you to put more sunshine and daisies in the world with me this year.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"


CGC said...

you're so sweet! love you!

also ditto to the Janet comment, she amazes me!

vanweezy said...

You guys flatter me way too much! And you don't give yourselves enough credit! We're all lucky to be surrounded by amazing people, and our strength comes from each other.

Tasty Eats At Home said...

Yay for great friends, great husbands, baby showers and new years. Hosting a baby shower is way fun - so have fun!