Friday, June 29, 2012

Not too much happening

I know that I've been kind of nonexistient lately. I apologize for that. There just hasn't really been anything interesting going on in my life and I hate to bore you with non-interesting facts!

There have been a few lows and highs over the past few weeks though.
Low - Bailey got sick. And those of you who have had fur babies before actual babies, or only have fur babies know how incredibly heartbreaking it is for your fur baby to be sick. I ended up staying home with her all day and she slept. She mostly slept on top of this chair that is kind of a catch all (so forgive the random items in the picture) but the good news is, she seems to be back to her normal self.

In other news, specifically in fun, exciting news, this little sweetpea turned six months old!! SIX MONTHS! I thinks he weighs about 14 pounds now, which is a lot when you come in at 4.4!

She went to the aquarium with the grandparents on her 6 month birthday. My sis is going to throw year and half year birthdays for her since she's a Christmas baby to make her feel special. :)

So, there's a sort of update for you! Hope you're all suriving this hotter than hell summer!

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