Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I absolutely can not stand hypocritical people. I think they are a drain on society and we should get rid of all of them!

Not really. But, they wear me out and I can't believe that in 2010 we still have people who can sit back and judge others and at the same time be completely hypocritical. My main problem is with Christians who are so narrow minded that they can't seem to find understanding for other people who don't believe in the same things they do. I have friends who have different beliefs than me. And it seems that as long as those beliefs keep them in the "Christian" community, then they're okay and they are allowed to go about their business. I have other friends who are atheists. And it seems that their beliefs keep them constantly on a persecution pedestal. I have a very hard time believing that just because my friends don't believe in the same god as me or in a god, that they are in some way inferior to me because I do.

I consider myself a spiritual person. I consider myself a Christian. I would not say that I am an evangelical Christian because it's never been my mission to go out and "save" everyone I can from persecution. In fact, my take on my faith has pretty much been that faith is a personal thing. It's not my place to tell you what to believe, just like it's not your place to tell me what I should believe. Because of that, I have never found the time or desire to judge someone else based on their beliefs.

For me personally, it seems that my friends who are atheists have the same moral values as me and in the end they have faith. They don't have faith in a god they can not see and touch, but instead, they have faith in each other and in mankind. They have faith that making good choices here, on earth, in this life, will lead them to a more rewarding life and in the end, result in a life that they were happy to live. Sure, they've turned away from things they previously believe and have faced criticism from their family and friends, but in the end, they are living better lives than a lot of Christians that I know. So, if that is the case, how can anyone sit back and judge them or persecute them for their beliefs?

My friends have been given books to read on why they should choose faith. They have been told that people feel for their mothers because they know the sorrow their mothers must feel over their choice. They've been yelled at and misunderstood. When they've told people they were atheist, they've been misunderstood to the extent that no one bothered to discuss it with them in an intelligent manner, but instead decided to judge them right then and there for a belief they are choosing. At what point did being a Christian mean that we have to turn our backs on the ones we love, or hold them in a lower regard than we hold ourselves because they don't believe exactly what we do?

I hope to be a mother some day. And if my child chooses to believe in something I don't, I'm not going to be a mom who is sad because of the choice they have made. If my child is living a good life, a life worth respecting and admiring, then who am I to turn my back on them and look down my nose at them? I mean, when did being a Christian mean that you're automatically better than someone else simply because you can call yourself a Christian?

I think as a spiritual community, we have a lot to learn. I think the younger generations understand it a lot better than the older generations and unfortunately the older generations are turning the younger generations away from organized religion. To me, being a Christian, and having faith in God does not make me a judgmental person, nor does it give me the right to judge someone else because of their beliefs.

In the end, what does it matter to you or to me if someone we love doesn't believe exactly what we do? We are not attracted to people because of their religion. We're attracted to them because of their personality and the life they lead. And for my friends, the life they lead is one to be respected and admired because they do more good will in this world than a lot of the religious people that I know. My life is made better by having these particular friends in my life and I would do anything for them.

Imagine how amazing the world would be if we all quit judging and just lived our lives respecting mankind and those around us?

I put the dove as my picture of this blog because it reminds me to be at peace with the world. There is no reason for me to judge anyone else and I hope that I am not judged by my beliefs alone, because what a sad world that would be.

1 comment:

Preston said...

The criticism isn't that bad. Most just laugh at the irony and move on. Best one I got:
"I'd never date you"
"Why? Because I'm fat?"
"No, because you're a heathen"

I still laugh at that one. :-D