Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Two birds...one blog post...

I'm just going to air out the subject of this post now. that way, if you feel offended or something, you can quit reading right now and not hate me.

This is going to be about race, politics and Christianity.

I'll start with the facts:
  1. I'm a Christian
  2. I'm not technically Caucasian although just looking at me is hard to tell
  3. I'm a Democrat who borders more on libertarian
Recently, I was reading an article from CNN that said "Official apologizes for Obama chimpanzee email" My mouth dropped. Umm what? Obama and a chimpanzee were in the same email? Oh no, it's worse than that. A Republican representative from California felt the need to forward on an email with Obama's face on the body of a baby chimpanzee. The caption of the picture went on to read "Why there's no birth certificate" or something dumb like that.

WHAT?! An elected official, who technically works for the President sent a racist, horrible email about the POTUS? What in the world are people thinking when they do stupid, stupid things like this? Who are you helping? My friend Janet likes to ask me, "What's the advantage" when I'm about to make a stupid mistake. Same applies here....what advantage did this representative gain by sending an email like that? Nothing. In fact, many Republicans are now calling for her resignation!

Now, on to Christianity. In her "official" apology, she wrote some hub bub about how she tries to be a good Christian lady who follows a Christ like path or something. Can I just point out that one of the biggest things about being a good Christian is not judging people like she just did? I know that some religions think that it does involve harsh judgment of other people, but it doesn't. It's about loving your neighbor and respecting those around you. Not sending out hateful emails of people you are supposed to respect! I would have been okay with just an apology, but throwing the Christian twist in there to me, is just an attempt to get more people on her side. Grow up! Christ would not condone what you did, lady. You can be sure of that!

I wish America would just grow up. Learn to respect others the same way you'd want to be respected and we'd all go a lot further in this world.


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