Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Seriously. Long time no blog post. It's mostly because I don't even have time to think anymore, let alone come up with something to blog about. So naturally, I'm going to blog and complain about the amount of work in my life right now.

I have school. I have two classes this semester and two more to finish. The goal was to take both this summer and finish by August. But I'm starting to think that maybe I should take one this summer and one in the fall and finish in October instead. (with graduation in December). It'd be 3 years instead of 2.5 but I might get to keep my sanity.

Work is INSANE in the MEMBRANE. You know that saying "Be careful what you wish for" ?? Well, it's taken over my life. I will never complain or gloat about my free time at work again!

And on top of all that, I'm serving on the Pastor Nominating Committee at church. Basically, at this point, we're reading anywhere from 10 - 20 applications a week. It's a very tedious and long process, but I'm enjoying myself. I'll just be glad when school is over and I can devote myself more fully.

Hope your lives are slightly less insane than mine because I seriously feel like I need to STOP and CATCH my breath!


CGC said...

oh my gosh! me too! I'm so ready for some peace and quiet!!

If I make it to May 16th it will be quiet. until I give birth. ha. then it's going to be insane of another variety. why are we all so crazy busy this year? has it always been like this?

fancyashstyle said...

I'm jealous of your work load. I wish that was happening for the construction business. Good for you on school, I would take one in the summer to allow you time for yourself and not be overly stressed. Nothing wrong with graduating in December opposed to August.

Tasty Eats At Home said...

I agree with Ashley - nothing wrong with graduating in December. Sanity is important!