Friday, June 5, 2009

Birthday Birthday Birthday!!!

Okay, so my birthday is coming up (in case you didn't read the previous post, or pay attention to the title of this post, I'm reminding you)...

So in case anyone was wondering, here are a few things that I would LOVE for my birthday.
  • World Peace (Ha!)
  • Charitable donations to any of these fine charities:
  1. Doctors Without Borders
  2. North Texas Food Bank
  3. Susan G. Komen for the Cure
  4. The Fistula Foundation
  5. The Hunger Project
Most of these charities are able to do a lot with very small amounts of donations..... If nothing else, it'd be cool if someone at least went to the website in honor of my birthday!

Okay, now on to the materialistic things that I want.
  • A cruiser bike.... We have this great creek by our house, and I love to feed the ducks. I just hate walking all the way down there. I would love to have a bike so that I can cruise around my neighborhood! :)
  • Nikon D60 with which to take super cool pics.

Ahh daydreaming is fun isn't it?

Anyway, to all my blog readers (the 4 of you) enjoy your weekends!!!


vanweezy said...

A surprise is on the way!!!! No, I'm not telling you what it is. :)

Unknown said...

SWEEEET! I love surprises!!!!