Wednesday, September 16, 2009

some things that lift my spirits

So, some of you know and some of you don't, but my spirits have been pretty down in the dumps lately. Doesn't look like that is going to change anytime soon, so instead of talking about how depressed I am here, I decided I'd post some things that make me smile.

first up: Carson. How cute is this kid?
Second up: Keegan. Equally as cute as Carson! I love them both and I can't wait for them to get older so I can be their cool Aunt Tiffany!
Side note: he was totally pissed about the flash going off in his face....too funny.

My parents' new pup! She's adorable!
These are currently blooming in my backyard. I think I'm going to frame them and put them in my bathroom so I can start every day with bright flowers.


vanweezy said...

I want that dog. Bring him to me. NOW!

fancyashstyle said...

Those flowers are very pretty, and that is a great idea. K looked really mean in that picture, when did you take that? Is he walking yet, do you know?

Tasty Eats At Home said...

Those flowers are in your backyard? I'm jealous. You should frame them! That'd be awesome.