Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Practicing what we preach...

So this weekend, as I was avoiding writing one of 3 papers due this week, I started thinking about the tag line that I have at the end of my personal email and as a heading at the top of my blog...

"celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain..."

Why you ask? I don't know...distraction. But the point is, it made me realize that I'm not really living my life like it is short but sweet for certain. I worry about the future. I worry about the present. I worry about a lot of things that in the big scheme of things are small, insignificant matters. All that worrying is totally going to show up on my face some day. Probably when I'm 30.

So, in an effort to be bolder, live life more like I know I should, and to follow in a dear friend's footsteps, I'm going to start looking at life not as a race to the finish with no bruises or scars, but a journey that should be filled with lots of bruises and scars and life marks. Because the truth is, if you don't have those things when you die, then what did you really do?

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