Friday, January 23, 2009

Riddle me this...

Why is it that my husband and I are getting the shaft from the family because we don't have babies? I don't understand it!

Okay, so we have a LARGE family. And by large, I mean totally complicated. So, two of the siblings have now had children. Which is great, I love my nephews very much, and I love my sisters in law just as much. What I do not love is the way the entire family seems to be focused solely on the babies and not on the rest of the kids without babies. At least before, certain members would call and make an effort to see us. Now, we're lucky if they call when the babies are coming over. Actually, that's about the only time they call.

So explain to me, why we're being shunned because we're choosing to wait for kids? I don't understand it. I'm choosing to further my education and get my MBA and hubby is choosing to also look into school and go further in his life before we bring any mini-me's into this world. How is that wrong?

I don't get it. I think you should love your children and their wives equally regardless of where they are in their lives.


1 comment:

chellie said...

That's the way family rolls. Getting married yet? Then, when can we get some of those things that vomit and poop? Then when you get one of those things, about two days later they start asking for another one.

You two got it right. Live your life first, then bring in the babies. Their lives will be better because you waited.