Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I wish I were as cool as my friends....

So, I have these two totally awesome friends , Janet and Jeremiah. They are basically what any good young person would want to aspire to be. Successful, caring, generous, and most importantly, unselfish.

I think they're amazing 110% of the time, but this month, they decided to do something that not only takes an enormous amount of time and energy, but also takes a huge heart. They have decided to host a foreign exchange student for the Fall semester! It's insane. I'm not sure that I could do it! I think it is an amazing, amazing thing and again, I find myself overwhelmed with pride because I get to call them my friends.

Janet has written about it on her blog, which you can find here.

I can't wait to meet Kim! She's going to be here before we know it and I hope that she is as cool as she sounds!! Either way, what an amazing experience for Janet and Jeremiah, and Kim!

"Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment"
-Anthony Robbins

1 comment:

vanweezy said...

Well dang, girl! Now you got me all embarrassed. I'm blushing through the computer. :)