Monday, January 24, 2011

Can I be morally opposed to the Super Bowl??

Ugh. Yesterday's games did not go the way I wanted them to...AT ALL.
I like the Bears. I don't like the Bears when the Cowboys are still playing, but I like them otherwise. I do not like Greenbay. I don't know why, but I don't. And that's a good enough reason for me.
I used to love Ben Rothlisberger. LOVE him. And then he was accused of sexual assault not once, but twice.
I don't mind the Jets. They're okay in my book. It would have been fun for LT to come back to D/FW to practice and play in a super bowl. But it didn't turn out that way.

I'm going to be torn on who to cheer on on Super Bowl Sunday. I have moral confinements that make me want to see Ben lose terribly! I want him to be completely humiliated. I know that he was never convicted of sexual assault, but it's a little strange for two women to accuse him of it. I know that I should be more of an adult and give him the benefit of the doubt considering the law couldn't find just cause to charge him, but I'm not that mature.

So.......go Packers? Ugh. That hurts even just typing it out. At least Aaron Rodgers is cool. At least their "G" looks like my high school's. That makes it a little bit easier to stomach.

1 comment:

Tasty Eats At Home said...

I say, just have a beer, eat a hot wing, and just don't care who wins! Ha.