Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We've got to quit giving an audience to the crazies....

Over the past few days, lots and lots of stuff has gone down.

There was a terrible shooting in Arizona.
Sarah Palin compared the media take on her to a 'blood libel'
The right wing extremes have been defending themselves against creating an environment of hate

Here's my thinking on the whole thing -- why are we giving an audience to these people? Okay, let's look at the suspected shooter.....he looks INSANE. And I would imagine that he's getting exactly what he wants right now....attention. He was a loner, right? So that means he didn't get very much attention. And the few stories I've read about his parents make me think that they probably didn't pay very much attention to him either. So...he shoots some people gets an instant national audience. Instead of focusing on the people who lost their lives, we're digging into his. He doesn't deserve it.

Dear Lord can we please stop giving a rat's ass about Sarah Palin? Her blatant misuse of words, or stupidity, is starting to get annoying. She opens her mouth and offends someone becuase she doesn't think about what's she's saying, or she really is that dumb. Comparing the media's take on her to a blood libel is just downright disrespectful. The entire idea of a blood libel is disrespectful. And for anyone (including the others who have used that term this week) to use it is a huge disgrace in my opinion. We talk about how we're fair and we appreciate our melting pot, and we respect freedom of religion, but then we blatantly offend a good portion of our population. I imagine she would feel the same way if someone compared her to Pontius Pilate and said that she not only enabled the shooting in Arizona, she ordered it. Is there any other Christian figure that we can even compare this to? Probably not because the Christians haven't been as persecuted as the Jewish people. She's just dumb and if we all quit listening to her, I think we'd get A LOT further in the journey of ridding the nation of her. Let her go back to her small Alaskan home and hide in the woods. Who cares what she does as long as she's not on the national stage anymore!

As for the right wing extremes who do not see that their comments, beliefs, and actions might be creating an environment of hate.....please someone hit them across the face. WAKE UP! A good number of people are easily influenced. Especially guys like Jared Loughner who went out on a rampage and shot at innocent people. Maybe you didn't put the gun in his hand and maybe you didn't pull the trigger, but a lot of times, the ideas that ,people have are nurtured by the people they watch or see in the celebrity world. So sure Glenn Beck, you didn't call for the hit on Rep. Giffords, but your attitude, and your more than obvious distaste for the current government sure isn't helping anything. How about you and all your friends stop talking about how much you hate the current government and start working to finding a solution to some of the problems you see? How about you work to find areas where we can compromise? Standing back and bawking at everything just makes you look stupid. Besides, the liberals aren't doing nearly as much bitching as you are, and we're not exactly happy with the current situation either. But we're WORKING on it, not just bitching about it.

So my trusted blog's what I leave you with....quit giving an audience to people who are crazy! I think that Sarah Palin and Glen Beck are intelligent people, I just think they're using their intelligence in the wrong way. Quit supporting them until they decide that they're done just standing by and bitching and they're ready to work on the problems facing the unemployment rate, China's continued devaluing of the yen...those types of things that we would be much more successful at if we worked together instead of apart.

*steps off soap box and sighs deeply*
clearly these are just my opinions. I'm sure we can still be friends after you read this.

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