Most everyone knows by now that I've been unhappy with my weight and general lack of body shape other than blob for quite some time now. I try not to talk about the fact that I'm trying to lose weight because I feel like it puts all this pressure on someone to do it and get ridicuously skinny.
But....it's hard. Like SERIOUSLY HARD to battle the scale every freaking day. I mean, do you know how fabulous a taco taste at the end of a long day? Or how amazing ice cream is in the heat of the day? There's all these amazingly wonderful things that you're not supposed to eat because it adds up to too many calories and way too much fat for your own good.
The bottom line is this..I'm tired of being "big boned" or "fluffy" or "maybe she's pregnant" I just want to go back to hot skinny me!
So, the hubs and I made a bet. The bet is no fast food until the end of the year and I have to work out at least 3 times a week. Succeed and I get a new Coach purse....and not from the outlet either! Fail and I get nothing.
So here's to me and that Coach purse! I need it!!!
I think you should take the money you'd spend on one regular-priced purse and go to the outlet and buy three! The quality is just as good and the styles are still current.
He he he you're so smart!
Really, I was just trying to get more money out him. But that's an excellent idea!
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