Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm a little worn out....

I've always found writing to be somewhat cathartic and this blog has been no different for me.

I'm a little worn out. I say a little because if I say a lot then I'll feel the pressure of "a lot" and then it'll be overwhelming. If I say a little then I'll feel the pressure of a "little" and it'll be easier to handle.

I feel like so many people are hurting around me and suffering and like there is nothing I can do to help. It really sucks. I know that most people would acknowledge that their friends are hurting and move on. Or maybe they wouldn't even try to talk to them about it. But, that's just not who I am. I'm hurting because I know that people I care about are hurting too. Not only that, but some of the hurting is very personal for me as well. My "adopted dad" is still in the hospital dealing with some pretty serious withdrawal symptoms from all of the medication he was on. Not only that, but he has been diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis which is a degenerative lung disease. Until he gets more stable in the hospital, we can't even know what level he's at.

And someone I care about deeply lost her husband. I wasn't particuarly close to him, but over the past 8 months, by serving on a committee with her, I have become very close to her. And I love her dearly.

The thing is though, I wouldn't change my life. I wouldn't change myself. Although I am hurting because people I love are hurting, when they are happy, so am I. When they are celebrating big events in their life, so am I. I feel the same amount of happiness for the good things as I do sadness for the bad things. So, it's okay. I'm going to be okay. We're all going to be okay. Someday, this will pass and it will feel like a distant memory in a crappy time in our lives. I'm not going to stop caring as much as I do or loving people as much as I do. For they are enriching my life in ways I never knew possible.

"One person caring about another represents life's greatest value."

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