Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My birth plan...(and NO I'm not pregnant)

So I was chatting with my bfffff about her birth plan...she's due in about 14 days and we're spending New Year's Eve together so we've been chatting back and forth all day. We got to her birth plan and she told me:

"I made my "birth plan" which is pretty much four bullet points centering around how I have no objection to pain medication of any sort and the sooner the better for an epidural ahhahah!"

Which of course made perfect sense to me! Why do you need several bullet points on a list when the options are really quite simple?

So here is my (future) birth plan:
  • Drug me
  • For the love of God don't go down there!
  • Get the baby out!
  • Drug me 
I think it's a pretty comprehensive list of what should be going on that day. Of course, I'll probably be one of those freak of natures who totally changes her mind and decides to go the hippy route by having my baby in water or something. 

Anywho....happy birth planning baby mamas to be! 

And in case you want to take yours a little bit more seriously, you can find some good info here.  

"I'll be like, 'Epidural, please!' ... I don't want to go through the pain". 
-Britney Spears 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Best. Christmas. Present. Ever!

that's what baby curly hair looks like!!!
Yesterday, at about 2:00PM, my sweet little niece, Sofia Elizabeth made her entrance into this world, butt first!!!

My sister had been in the hospital for a few days, due to some high blood pressure, and was basically on bed rest at the hospital. On Thursday, we thought we might get a new addition because they were talking about inducing her. However, that wasn't meant to be. Friday morning though, her blood pressure continued to be high, and they decided to induce. After several hours of contractions and pain, her water finally broke and the doc was able to see that Sofia was "frank breech" basically meaning she was in the pike position. So, they decided to do an emergency c section to get her out of there.

After what felt like forever she was finally here! We got to see her for about 1 minute before they carted her off to the NICU. (She was 5 1/2 weeks early!!)

Today, she is off the oxygen mask that they had her on, and she is eating little by little. She's getting so much stronger every day and everyone keeps talking about how strong she is and how determined she is to get out of the NICU. We're hoping she'll be home in less than 7 days!!!

Thanks to all of my family's extended family, friends, and loved ones, and those who have been praying and sending positive thoughts to my sister, brother in law, and sweet little Sofia. I know they are keeping her strong and helping her climb these hills!!!

Happy birthday and Merry First Christmas my sweet pea!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sharing is Caring

So if you follow me on G+ or on Facebook, then you've already seen this, but I wanted to share it here too because I've talked openly about my beliefs and my depression, and well, it just seems right.

This video was made by the employees of Disney in support of The Trevor Project.
While the Trevor Project focuses on keeping young LGBT kids from spiraling into depression and committing suicide, the message is still great. I mean, who hasn't been picked on or made fun of?

Here's the video:

I'm not gay, so I've never had to deal with the kind of bullying that some people have. And for the most part, I'm fairly normal. I didn't get harassed in school and I was pretty much an average developing kid. But, I do battle depression on a daily basis. And I can't even begin to imagine what if must feel like to already be battling something like depression and then have to deal with something like being bullied. It breaks my heart that in the year 2011, we still can't accept people for who they are. I really loved what the one guy said when he said that we are all exactly who we are supposed to be, who we were intended to be.

This holiday season, I encourage you to be a voice for kids that might feel like the world is crashing down on them. Whether it's because of their sexual preferences, or because there's something slightly different about them. You never know when you might be the voice that saves them.

I know I posted about organizations that I support and encourage you to think about supporting, but I didn't include this one. The Human Rights Campaign. Because at the end of the day, whether I kiss my husband or my wife, I'm still human. And so are you.

Happy holidays!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

Welp, it's December 16. Which means that Christmas Day is just around the corner. Which is great, because Christmas is one of my favorite holidays! Why? I have no idea. It's not like I'm selfish and want a million presents from those who love's more that Christmas has this unique feel to it. Everything just seems different on Christmas day. It's like the world is refreshed and good things are going to happen!

My friend shared this quote with me and I think it's great. I'm going to apply it to 2012.

May you never forget what is worth remembering...
or remember what is best forgotten....

Friday, December 2, 2011

The difference a dollar can make....

Each year, I try very hard to remain vigilent about donating to various charities. The reason for this is because I desperately believe in helping others and in fighting for a good cause. Sometimes, someone asks me to donate and I'm more than happy to. Other times, I do research on my own and find the appropriate place for my funds.

This year was a little more crazy with working on the well for my nephew, I haven't donated to as many places as I would have, I'm doing some research.

Yesterday was World AIDS Day. When I was younger, I was passionate about finding a cure for AIDS. Somewhere in my adulthood, that dropped off. I'm going to be passionate about supporting AIDS research again. Here are some suggestions for AIDS charities you might consider supporting.

I've been a long time supporter of the North Texas Food Bank. The saying is that $1 feeds 3 people...I'm guessing they run very efficiently because I know that I sure as heck can't feed people on $1!

I've also donated to the American Cancer Society, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and various other cancer organizations throughout the years. This November, I convinced 5 guys to to grow out their facial hair in the name of raising money for cancer research. It went really well and was loads of fun! (For me, mostly). They have decided to donate the funds to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network because we have a co-worker who is suffering through the aftermaths of pancreatic cancer right now. 

I'm not saying all of this to say "look at me, I'm so great". I'm saying it so that maybe you'll be compelled to donate what you can too. Go forth and find something you're passionate about!

I recommend Charity Navigator for helping judging which ones are worthy of your time and efforts.