that's what baby curly hair looks like!!! |
Yesterday, at about 2:00PM, my sweet little niece, Sofia Elizabeth made her entrance into this world, butt first!!!
My sister had been in the hospital for a few days, due to some high blood pressure, and was basically on bed rest at the hospital. On Thursday, we thought we might get a new addition because they were talking about inducing her. However, that wasn't meant to be. Friday morning though, her blood pressure continued to be high, and they decided to induce. After several hours of contractions and pain, her water finally broke and the doc was able to see that Sofia was "frank breech" basically meaning she was in the pike position. So, they decided to do an emergency c section to get her out of there.
After what felt like forever she was finally here! We got to see her for about 1 minute before they carted her off to the NICU. (She was 5 1/2 weeks early!!)
Today, she is off the oxygen mask that they had her on, and she is eating little by little. She's getting so much stronger every day and everyone keeps talking about how strong she is and how determined she is to get out of the NICU. We're hoping she'll be home in less than 7 days!!!
Thanks to all of my family's extended family, friends, and loved ones, and those who have been praying and sending positive thoughts to my sister, brother in law, and sweet little Sofia. I know they are keeping her strong and helping her climb these hills!!!
Happy birthday and Merry First Christmas my sweet pea!!!