Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fitness, Fitness, Fitness!!!

I've talked about getting back in shape for about a year now and seem to keep dragging my feet at actually getting there. It's not that I don't want to work out or be healthier, it's that it physically hurts to work out! Not because I'm so obese that I can't run or do exercise but because I've gotten so out of shape that my body just doesnt' want to work out and pretty much rejects whatever exercise I try to do. That's all about to change....

Alligator and I are going to start working out with a personal trainer. Some of our friends at the office work out with him now and he seems to be doing a good job of getting them in shape and working them out pretty hard. Alligator and I are pairing up because we figure we're pretty alike in our lack of physical activity for the past oh....5 years!

Yesterday we had to fill out health histories that detailed our short term, long term, and ultimate goals. I thought maybe sharing them here, on my crazy world blog, would help keep me committed and make me take them more seriously.

So here are some fitness goals for the short term:
  1. I'd like to get back to a routine that I enjoy doing and will continue doing for a long time.
  2. I'd like to get back to running
  3. I'd like to lose some weight
Here are some longer term goals:
  1. I'd like to lose a lot of weight
  2. I'd like to make working out  a  habit and also enjoy doing it. 
  3. I'd like to get back to running
And here are some ultimate goals (you know like DREAMS!)
  1. Get back to lifeguard sized self
  2. Have an established routine of working out 4 times a week or more. 
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  4. Enjoy running again
I know they kind of all spin off of each other but I figure they come in stages.

Here's hoping I don't get rushed to the hospital on day one of training and that by this time next year, a lot of the goals on that list are accomplished!

1 comment:

Tasty Eats At Home said...

Yay for personal trainers and for fitness goals! You'll have to let me know how the trainer goes...I might have to jump on board too!