Friday, April 8, 2011

Funny how things change....

It's funny how we go through life with certain friends and groups of friends and then as our life changes, so do those friends. People we thought would be in our lives forever fade away and new people shuffle in. People we didn't expect to be friends with suddenly become some of our best friends. Life is constantly changing.

My boss told me the other day that if you don't work hard in life and make things hard for your self than life ends up being hard. We were talking about working out, but it applies in all aspects, when you think about. If you train yourself by constantly pushing yourself to be better, to work harder than other people, then when disappoint or sadness finds you, you're going to be well equipped to deal with whatever life presents.

I guess my point in writing about both of these is that we often find in life that there are some friendships that are worth trudging through quick sand to save and some that could disappear tomorrow and we'd let them fade with the sun. The trick is finding out and learning which ones are worth the effort. Personally, I've tended to look at life like all of my friendships are that important to me. But in reality, there several that I would go to the ends of the earth for. Others that I would trudge through mud for, and others that would simply let fade with time. I'm beginning to learn the difference in my friendships and learning that it's okay to not be best friends with everyone. In fact, the friends that I do call best friends have earned that title. They've been there for me through bad times and through good and have proven themselves worthy of my devotion. Others? Not so much.

So here's to the friendships that are worth trudging through hell for. And for the others? Eh, keep them around as long as it's beneficial. Once it's no longer beneficial, quit putting in so much effort.

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