Sunday, April 15, 2012


This whole updating at home thing is not as easy as it sounds. Talk about demanding! Just kidding, obviously since I haven't been posting.

Working out is a struggle. Like how I didn't even sugar coat that...just jumped right in with my opinion? some weeks I feel awesome and I think I'm a total rock star and then other weeks I don't want to do anything. It sucks.

My sweet pea niece is growing so fast it's insane. I know that babies grow fast, but seeing her every week really makes it even more evident.

Work is good, life is good. This was just a quickie update to say what's up and I'll try to get better at posting.

hope things are well in your world as well!

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” 
-Oscar Wilde

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