Monday, September 13, 2010

Poopity poop poop....

Okay, get it out. Let the laughter out of the bag. Everyone poops. It's a fact of life.

I was going to write about my somber weekend remembering my friend Preston, and about my friend who's family is suffering from the loss of a dear friend, but instead, I'm going to write about poop.

Soooo occasionally, I have to use the facilities at work. It's not often, because let's face it, girls would rather die than poo in public. I usually hate going in there because I hate having to take care of business at work and I hate even more the idea of someone walking in and seeing me taking care of my business.

Here are some things that I have NOT learned as far as protecting my identity goes:
  1. wearing cool, but funky shoes does not hide your identity.
  2. having a tattoo on your right foot does not hide your identity
  3. laughing when you toot does not hide your identity
  4. picking your feet up the entire time someone else is in there does hide your identity, but is not necessarily good for your butt cheeks that are stuck on the toilet
Here are some things I have learned about pooing at work:
  1. it goes a lot faster than at home
  2. other people do it too and don't seemed to be concerned about protecting their identity
  3. other people definitely do NOT laugh when they toot
Ahh, I feel better getting that off my chest!

Just remember....everyone's a fact of life. Have more fun with it. Take it less goes on after the poop.

1 comment:

CGC said...

i have poop issues. a lot. especially lately. weird diet due to crazy work schedule + prenatal vitamins = weird poops.

your post had me rolling.