Thursday, August 11, 2011

Manual labor is not for me!!

This past week, an offsite office that my company owns and I basically manage moved from one floor in the building to another. Sounds like loads of fun right? You hire movers to move everything and piece of cake!

Not so. Not even close to being true. What happens is you hire movers, they move everything and then someone like me goes behind them and fixes all the loose ends and things that didn't get done right.

I went to college for a reason. I am still going to college for a reason. I can't wait to be the person who manages the person who handles this job next time. Because I am not made for manual labor. Not at all!!!!

Because of said manual labor, muscles I haven't used in forever hurt and I'm exhausted. It sucks.

1 comment:

Tasty Eats At Home said...

Ha! Sorry it's been tough! I bet you're sore and tired. I think maybe a grown-up drink or two is in order!