Wednesday, October 20, 2010 it really 2010?

First, I'll apologize that all three of these articles are from CNN. Normally, I do a much better job of getting things from different places, but CNN is my first choice and these were all on there this morning -- so sorry.
Read this. Read this. Read this.

Here's my problem with article #1 - Mexico did "occupy" the Southwest United States before it became the United States. I'm not sure how teaching a class that focuses on that America is necessarily teaching children to support Mexico and not the US. How is it different than teaching Texas history in middle school? Texas was once it's own country -- should we stop teaching that so that Texas students don't get the wrong idea and end up trying to revolt against America and secede? That sounds kind of silly, now doesn't it? I don't see how just because a state has a large Hispanic population, and teaches some classes that give more history about Mexico, it's causing a problem. Don't they deserve to know about their heritage the same as the white kids who learn about the small-pox bearing English that came over and started the colonies? Obviously Arizona has been in the lead when it comes to illegal immigration crackdown, and while I'm not saying that illegal immigration is the right path, I don't see how teaching them a class about Mexico's history prior to the formation of the United States is going to push them into some kind of riot mentality. Dear Arizona: you're dumb.

Here's my problem with article #2 - being gay doesn't mean that you're a bad leader. And it certainly shouldn't mean that you are not allowed to participate in your son's chosen club. If the Scouts are really concerned with teaching the boys values, then I think they should re-evaluate their values. I highly doubt the dad was trying to convert the boys to homosexuality. From what it sounds like, he was merely trying to sell popcorn. I have a hard time believing that the dad's sexual orientation affected his leadership in any way. And I have a hard time believing that in 2010 we still have such hateful, prejudiced organizations. Not to mention their response which I think was rude and blatantly offensive. Dear Boy Scouts of America: you've officially lost my vote and future support. Grow up.

And here's my problem with article #3 - SERIOUSLY AMERICA? Why is this even still an issue? Being a homosexual doesn't mean that you can't be the best solider there is. It doesn't mean that you're any less of a human being, or that you're going to go to war simply to hit on all the male/female soliders you can find. I know from personal stories of friends that the hook-ups over there are crazy. Insane even. Everyone together for such long periods of time only naturally leads to people hooking's to be expected. So, if the military is worried about anything, maybe they should be worried about female soldiers getting impregnanted by male soldiers -- male soldiers who might have wives and families at home. Or why don't they worry about soldiers passing diseases back and forth amongst themselves? That seems like more of a concern to me than whether the hook-ups are same sex or oppopsite sex. I think that the government appealing this is blatant discrimination and I'm honestly embarrassed that we're still dealing with issues like this. At what point do we say "it's enough!" Homosexuals are not second class citizens and they deserved to be treated the same as you and me. It shouldn't matter who you love or whether you're attracted to boys or girls. What should matter is the type of person you are. And if you're gay, and you're brave enough to serve in our military, to protect MY freedom....then I think you have every right to be there. If you're a dingleberry who is putting people in harm's way rather than saving them....well, then we should talk. Dear America: GROW UP! Homosexuality does not make you less of a person nor does it mean that you shouldn't be allowed to serve in our armed forces. Men and women VOLUNTEER to go over there. Unless you're willing to go, I suggest you stop trying to put restrictions on who can and cannot, you're making us look like a bunch of dumbasses.

discrimination -
treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
I hope and pray that more people will see that there is blatant discrimination happening right under our noses and start standing up for the people who are being discriminated against. It's 2010. Don't you think we should start acting like it? 

1 comment:

Tasty Eats At Home said...

I agree with you! The changing of the history we teach our kids to eliminate what essentially is the truth is stupid. And we should have gotten rid of Don't Ask, Don't Tell a long time ago. I think that the Boy Scouts policy is lame, however, they are a private organization and can have whatever policies they want, I suppose. I just don't support it. It is unfortunate that there are views out there - even in 2010 - that seem to be based on fear.