Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Now that I have your attention............so I'm currently in the middle of a recovery. Recovery from what may or may not have been strep throat and a deadly sinus infection. Okay, okay, not deadly like Deadliest Catch, but deadly to me. I feel like bunghole and I think that should count as deadly. So, for my purposes, it will. 

I posted the picture of the fat baby mouse (although I think it's a hamster) because I kind of feel like the hamstermouse lately. I don't think I'm as overweight as the hamstermouse, but definitely weight more than I need to or should. HARSH. Man, it's harsh to say those words out loud. 

Anywho....I cam to a revelation while lying on my couch for 7 days (not really 7, but like 5) while coughing out my insides and praying that my throat would stop burning so bad.....I need to live a healthy lifestyle. SERIOUSLY. Is it going to change the fact that I get 100 sinus infections a year? Well..maybe not that seems to be more anatomy than anything else, but it might help with the mental health, with the tiredness, and the general lull that I feel every day about this time. And hey, if nothing else, it'll get me into nice pre-baby shape so that when it is time for baby making, I can feel good about the body that my baby is going to live in for 10 months. 

So, here's what I promise to my 5 readers: I will update you once a week. I'm not going to tell you starting weight and all that (unless I get super skinny and then maybe) but I'll tell you if any pounds were lost that week and what I think I could've done better for the week. Deal? And what you do my faithful five is tell me where you think I should pay more attention. It's going to be a slow start pals, probably mostly eating habits followed by exercise habits, but we'll get there. I think this was the final wake-up call that I needed. I can't keep pretending like Taco Bueno is good for you. It's just not. No matter how you cut the cheese. (pun intended!:))

So.... I weighed myself this morning and it sucked. But so far, I've had a granola bar, some chips (bad robot) and 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 chicken breast and 2 spears of asparagus. Other than the chips, the day is going pretty well. I plan on having salmon and some veggie for dinner. Maybe couscous but probably salad or something. 

Anywho...I think Mondays or Sundays will probably be the day for updates. We'll just have to play with it and see how it goes. 

"For the first time ever, overweight people outnumber average people in America. Doesn't that make overweight the average then? Last month you were fat, now you're average - hey, let's get a pizza!"
Jay Leno

tee hee. Oh and if you're ever feeling bad about yourself google fat and click on images.....wow.


Tasty Eats At Home said...

Ummm, yes, so I did notice that you totally tagged this post with "hamstermouse". Just in case someone searches for "hamstermouse", they find this? :) Kidding.
BTW, your meals so far today were very close to gluten-free (granola bar and fritos don't make the grade). Woohoo!

Unknown said...

I thought it would be funny if someone searched hamstermouse and then found my blog...hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

And yea for almost gluten-free!