Thursday, October 14, 2010

I just don't get it.....

I just cannot understand how people can support some Republican/Tea Party candidates. I'm fully aware that we live in a free country and people are allowed to have whatever views and opinions that they want, but sweet jebus some of these people are absolutely frapping insane!

Example one: Carl Paladino. He is running for Governor of New York and the dude is INSANE. He has said, and I quote, “I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t.” My personal beliefs do not allow me to believe that homosexuals cannot raise the same type of families as straights -- they can and they have. Second, heterosexual marriages aren't exactly a shining example of what should be--come on dude, the divorce rate is like 50% I think our kids deserve every opportunity to make that better, whether it's with a same-sex partner or not! Not only does he have  a whack position on homosexuals, but he also accused his opponent of having no family values because he took his children to a gay pride parade......but Paladino has a 10 year old son from an extramarital affair with his former employee--- not sure you should be the one on the soapbox preaching family values dude -- I think you're missing some of the message.

Example two: Christine O'Donnell. She's running for Senator in Delaware and she scares me. She had a conversation on MTV where she said that masturbation is adultery.....She supports abstinence but has a very colorful past, and apparently thinks that her opponent is a bearded Marxist...I don't disbelieve that she has probably dabbled in some things in her past and now realizes that she was wrong and is "born again". That's cool. More power to her. But don't try to preach on it to other people-- I hate that. I didn't watch the debates last night but I've heard that they were quite interesting. My favorite part of her campaign is that she is attacking the Dems on budget and finance issues, but apparently her personal finances are in disarray. I find it hard to believe someone is going to help the situation when they cannot and have not helped themselves. Those are just my personal opinions though and are not endorsed! :)

I dont think that Republicans are wrong or stupid or anything like that. I have some very intelligent friends who are Republicans. I don't think Democrats are the answer to everything either, and I understand that having both is a healthy balance for the country. But  I don't understand how these two are getting any support. They're just flat out dumb. Each person is entitled to their own beliefs, and opinions, yes, but good grief people....could you least calm down on the crazy a little bit and then run for office? I just wish that we could find some normalcy in these elections. Aren't there some average, middle-aged Americans who want to run for these positions instead of just the wack-os? Or am I alone there?

PS -- this was issue #3 from yesterday that I couldn't remember!!!! 

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