Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Going through changes.......

It's probably not a surprise that my life is in somewhat of a changing pattern lately. It's funny because I always say that I'm not the best with changes, but the past year or so has been nothing but changes. Changes in job, changes in life planning, changes in family, changes...changes...changes....

I guess it's naive to think that you can stay in one place for a long time and be impervious to change. Eventually, time catches up to us all and change happens whether we're ready for it or not. It seems as though the time in my life where there is protection from the storms is over and now, there will be more life challenges and more life lessons ahead. Althought it's a change I'm not 100% keen on accepting, I know that I have to whether I want to or not. The brutal truth is: life gets more difficult as you get older; not easier. Decisions get harder, friends get tougher to lose, and friends get harder to hold onto. I guess it's simply the facts of life.

So, I'm making a mental change to compliment all the changes I can't seem to avoid. I'm going to embrace change rather than shriek from it. I'm going to accept the fact that the carefree days of my youth are over and now it's time to be an adult and face adult problems head on. (pause: did anyone think of those stupid head on commercials just now? I totally did!) I'm going to love the ones I love more than ever because the one change I now is inevitable is the change of life into death. It will happen to all of us. That's why it's so important to cherish the moments we have with the ones we love. Hold them close and tell them how much they mean to us at every opportunity. Have fun. I'm going to stop worrying about the future so much and remind myself that the future will get here when it gets here. Obviously, I'm not going to quit working on my nest egg or plan for a life of never retiring, but there are changes that can be implemented that allow fun and saving at the same time. I'm going to change my opinion about weird things and be more open minded. Like to eating awkward foods that I don't think belong together! Or to trying out a new band or new fad that I didn't think I'd like. I'm going to try and say yes more and no less. And quit thinking that there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. There's always time for what you want to do....somehow, you always manage to fit those things in.

I know I've hit on some of these before, but I'm really going to try and change my philosophy on life. I think it will help me emotionally, physically, and mentally become a better person. Change isn't always a bad thing.....change sometimes lead us to better. Here's hoping that change leads me down a path of enlightenment!

"Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure.  But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it.  Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer."

  ~Shunryu Suzuki

1 comment:

Tasty Eats At Home said...

See, the commerical didn't pop into my head, but your title totally got the Ozzy song stuck there. Dang it!
Yeah, change is inevitable. Sucks, eh? And sometimes, it's not the best of circumstances that force us into the realizations you mentioned here - that we need to make time and make efforts to do the things we love and be with the ones we love the most - and to cherish them. But maybe that's why there are less-than-ideal circumstances - so we remember what's most important?