Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hummus and Hunger

I love hummus. Like, would take a hummus bath and eat my way through the bath I love it so much.
I particularly enjoy these individual serving cups of hummus that come with pretzels. They give you way too much hummus for the amount of pretzels, so you really have to smother the pretzels in hummus. I love it.

I was telling a friend today that I was starving and she hit me with an unexpected question. "Have you ever thought about what it really feels like to be starving? Not just hungry where food is in reach and all you have to do is go get it, but STARVING?"

I hadn't. I donate to food networks and hunger projects in the hopes that my money will feed some starving kid in Africa, but the truth is, I have never really thought about what it means to be starving. The kind of starving where you don't know when and where your next meal is coming from. It was very humbling to say the least. We take for granted the things that we have, like food readily available to us and fresh drinking water, but the truth of the matter is, there are thousands, millions of people out there who have neither of these things. It's heartbreaking.

If you feel so inclined, you can help right here in North Texas, by donating to the North Texas Food Bank. The Hunger Project also does great work, so you could always go for a more global approach and help them.

If you feel so inclined, I've started raising money for in my nephew's honor to build a well in Uganda so that local kids and families can have access to safe, clean, drinking water. If you have thought about wanting to do something before but were unsure of what to do, consider donating in my nephew's honor. Go to and select "Lucas Paul Stewart" from the drop down menu.

Of course you never have to do more than you already do. These are merely mentions of organizations that you might find it in your heart to donate to. No pressure.

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." - Nelson Henderson
thanks @vanweezy for that one. I love it. 

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