Friday, December 17, 2010


let's talk about this tax they extended the tax breaks for another two years. Or at least, it looks like that is what is going to happen because both the House and the Senate approved the bill. Hmm. Let's think about this. We're trillions of dollars in debt. We owe more money than we can possibly imagine to China, and we're going to bitch about taxes? Really? Especially when the issue here is that the tax breaks would have remained in place for most middle class Americans and really would have only been raised for the wealthiest of the wealthy? Hmm. I just can't wrap my brain around how this makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pay higher taxes anymore than the next guy, but I also don't want to have to learn Chinese and pray that China doesn't come over here and kick our arses. Plus, okay, I'm kind of of the mindset that if you make more money than God, you should pay taxes that are suitable to your income. I get taxed based on my income so why shouldn't they have to pay similar amounts based on the insane amount of money that they make? Seems totally legit to me.

I tell ya, if I were a politician, I'd do such a better job. I think our leaders are lacking very simple common sense. I know that they say they're "looking out for their constituents" but what they don't see is that they're going to make the United States fall from her super power status and go below Japan, China, heck maybe even Switzerland! (arbitrary country pick).

Someone please help us. We've lost our way and we're going to pay for it so terribly in the end. It's frightening.


vanweezy said...

The Repubs who bitched and bitched and bitched, and wouldn't allow any progress on any other legislation until the tax cuts for the rich were extended, can STFU with any complaints about the growing deficit. You know what contributes to a deficit? Excess Spending. (looking at you, Democrats.) You know what else contributes to a deficit? NOT GENERATING REVENUE. Both of those things are pretty dang important, and you can't ignore one completely while excessively bitching about the other.

fancyashstyle said...

The world is coming to a end. That's all there is to it anymore. IT SUCKS. and is scary.

Unknown said...

J - totally agree. We need people in office that are willing to find middle ground. That are willing to work together instead of completely apart and we're just not getting it. We need like "modern, young, political party" to come in and reform the Repubs and Dems. BOO!

Ash-- well we have until at least 12/12/2012.