Thursday, January 12, 2012

For some dieting crap updates..

Right, so another big change that I made this week includes giving up caffeine. Typically, I got my caffeine from a Diet. Dr.Pepper in the mornings. But this week, I opted to give it up.

I know that there's "no harm" in drinking diet sodas because they are after all, zero calories. But I just don't think that it's all that great to be consuming caffeine. I could be totally wrong, but I'm going to go without it for a while and see how I feel!

What have you guys done this year in an effort to be healthier?
I just love this....


CGC said...

Omg!!! How many hundreds of times have I seen people do exactly that comic! Drives me nuts!

But back to you, wow!! Good luck! I need to give up sweets. That's the only bad habit remaining from pregnancy: my insane sweet tooth!! It's awful. But you're so strong! Fingers crossed for you!

vanweezy said...

Since giving up caffeine a couple years ago to eliminate the headaches they were causing, I found myself drinking way more water at restaurants. That's good for overall health, but it's also good for making yourself feel more full!